The adventures of Zumo and Mykettaz

Created by Liam one year ago

I met Stace on a game called Tibia when we were both teenagers, and spent the next 10 years pouring thousands upon thousands of hours into hanging out on Nova with her. My character was called Zumo, and hers was Mykettaz - hence the puzzling title.

She was an amazing person and I am so thankful I met her when I did. She was relentlessly happy and always had something funny to say, especially after she had drank her can of coke at the end of the day. We would often hang out on MSN messenger until the early hours talking about everything and nothing, sleep until midday then meet each other in-game to do it all again.

The number of people I have met in my life that I have grown that close and felt that comfortably open and honest with is 2 or 3, and 2 of those are cats.

I think about her often, and miss her very much.

For someone that I valued so dearly and had such a big impact on me it doesn't seem right that I can't think of what to say... I guess I just wanted people that loved her to know I loved her too, and that my life is so much better for having known her.

There is one thing that springs to mind... she had this sort of, insane random saying "meny jestons" that came out of nowhere one day and then became this whole thing that grew and spread throughout the game. I can't remember if she started it or her friend started it, but before long we were all saying it, all of the time, for no reason. It was like we had meny tourettes or something.

My dad also played Tibia in those days (his name was Foul'ole Ron) and he was also good friends with Stace. I think everyone that knew her was good friends with her actually, that was just how she was. He still to this day will randomly come out with meny jestons and whenever this happens it's like we both get teleported right back to 2006 Tibia and she's stood outside our little virtual house in Port Hope making runes like she always was.

She was the best of us, and the time we shared is filled with my most precious memories.

I miss you Stace. I miss you so much.
